Does God convict everyone?

DOES GOD CONVICT EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE THAT HE IS GOD? DOES GOD CONVICT EVERYONE THAT HE IS REAL? THE CRISIS: All around us there are people who claim to be atheists, agnostics, those who believe in some other God.Others believe none of the Bible is true, some of the...

What is the evidence God became a man?

CRISIS – WHY IS BELIEVING THAT THE GOD OF CREATION, BECAME A MAN SO IMPORTANT? INSIGHT – The claims of the New Testament writers about Jesus, and Jesus own claims are both extraordinary and unequaled. Some of the statements of the writers of the New Testament:Peter –...

Did Jesus really do miracles?

QUESTION – IS IT CRITICAL THAT I BELIEVE IN THE MIRACLES OF JESUS? INSIGHT – The power of miracles as evidence rests entirely on the validity that Jesus is God and that His life and miracles are a historic fact. It really matters who Jesus is!The crisis we...