As I write this in March of 2023, I am age 80 but, when I dream, I dream a young man’s dreams. When I plan, I plan young man’s plans. But then I look in the mirror. There I stand in all my glory… white hair, bifocals. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; I just put a large fellowship hall in the middle. My teeth are mine; I bought and paid for them! … But me old?
- God helping me I never want to just sit and do and say nothing.
- I fight the temptation to be filled with self-pity and because I cannot do what I used to do.
- I have asked the Lord to help not believe that even thought I cannot do what I used to do that some of what I’ve learned, preached, taught or tried might no longer be of value to others.
King David understands me. The Lord led him to write in Psalm 71:16-18. (niv).
16 “I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. 17 Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. 18 Even (now that) when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come”.
- I still need the lessons the Lord taught me in the past today.
- I struggle to remember those things and so I read or listen to them in my sleepless nights and remember the faithfulness of God to use even me.
- I sometimes am asked for my thoughts or tools and it gives me great joy to feel like I’m still useful.
Much of what I am offering is the result of my struggles as a person, husband, dad, pastor or as one sent to come along other struggling people.
As you review my materials I confess my efforts are much like a “journeyman (rough) carpenter” who does what he knows and does what he can but needs others to come along and be a” finish carpenter” on what he has tried to do. If you use my materials, please be the finish carpenter and fix, repair, add to what I’ve done and send me your efforts!
If I can help you understand or implement any of these offered materials you can contact me at bill@reallifeministries.com or call me at 208-818-3283.
Studies that have Strengthened my Faith
- Is there a God?
- Can I trust God’s Word?
- Does God convict everyone?
- Where is God when I hurt?
- What is the evidence God became a man?
- Did God become a man?
- Did Jesus really do miracles?
- Did Jesus really have to die?
- Did Jesus rise from the dead?
- What is the Holy Spirit?
- How can I be forgiven?
- Can God make me a miracle?
- We really need other Christians
Audio Sermons I Have Preached
- Anything less than a Miracle won’t help
- Anything that makes you pray is a Friend
- Are you Damaged Goods or Priceless?
- God’s Word speaks on adultery
- Having a wrong view of Jesus
- I’m sick to death of Church growth
- In dating – How far is too far?
- Luke 15 (video)
- Message for the “mess” age
- Plant a dream of God in your children’s hearts
- The Way of the Lord is narrow
- Three Crosses
- Where do I go to resign?
- Work out what God works in
Notes from Sermons I’ve Presented
- Do not quit! – Why stay in the ministry?
- Facing Crisis – What to do when the music stops
- Family – Building (and rebuilding) a Home – to come home to
- God’s Gift – High Price of Free Gift
- Growing in Christ – Becoming people God is proud of
- Mission – Go Out Quickly
- Parenting – Accepting the wrong job description
- The Lord’s Faithfulness – Where I go, He goes
Notes And Visuals From Some Of The Lessons I’ve Taught
- Dealing with Personal Conflicts (notes)
- Elders – Study of Ezekiel (notes)
- Establishing Godly priorities (notes)
- Finishing Well (notes)
- Fruit or Firewood (notes)
- Heart Surgery (visual)
- Implementing All-Church Review (assessment)
- Prospects and how to reach them (project)
- Restoring Broken Relationships (counseling)
- Shepherding 1 or 10,000 (visual)
- Tracking Spiritual Progress, by age (visual)
- Tracking your Spiritual Growth, by years (visual)
Projects and Helps
- A study of suicide in the Bible
- Abiding in Christ (study)
- Comparing Acts 2 and Membership Covenant (study)
- Elder Qualifications (study)
- Elders – wrong way to choose (elders)
- Helps to having a good fight (marriage)
- Member Entrance / Exit Interview
- Restoring and Releasing Prodigals
- Sharing Faith and Testimony (lesson)
- Test of Strengths and Needs
- Two Funerals – Ending Well (visual) (project)
- Welcome to the Lord’s Way of Life – New Christians (booklet)
- Session One – Interview with Focus on the Family – Bill
- Session Two – Interview with Focus on the Family
(Book is out of print, but can be found on google)
- Session One – Interview with Focus on the Family – Bill & Jim
- Session Two – Interview with Focus on the Family
(You can download the entire book – as a gift from Bobbi and me)
- When your accomplishments don’t satisfy
- When you are tempted to be immoral
- When it’s hard to stay married
- When you don’t love your mate anymore
- If You Divorce
- When you fail as a parent
- When your children are driving you crazy
- What to do about yourself when your rebel is still running
- What I want to be like when I grow up
- When you feel guilty and want to start over
- When life seems hopeless
- When you feel inadequate
- When troubles overwhelm you
- When you are depressed and don’t know why
- When it seems like God doesn’t care
- When you can’t forgive yourself
- When you don’t want to forgive others
Visuals I created
- According to own ability
- All are Disciples, some are Leaders
- Bucket Sermons – Visuals
- Closing the back door of the Church
- Dealing with Conflict
- Four Chairs (visual)
- God offered – Man refused (visual)
- Illustrating being discipled – infancy to maturity
- Is what you believe – true? (visual)
- Learning to Share your Faith (visual)
- Levels of Authority (visual)
- Measuring Members Spiritual Growth (questionnaire)
- Romans 1 – Fading Faith (visual 2)
- Romans 1 (visual 1)
- Shepherding and tracking Members (visual)
- Which Discipleship model are you using? (visual)
- Why people come – stay – leave the Church (visual)
Studies and Steps to Implement Change on Specific Issues
- A Leadership Retreat (overview)
- Building a Home – to come home to
- Connecting the unconnected
- Dealing with Conflict and Crisis
- Doctrine and Issues that Unite Us
- Elder/Member Membership Covenant (illustration)
- Forgiving Others
- God’s Word on Divorce
- Knowing you are saved
- Leaders are home grown
- Leading People to Jesus
- Paul’s Church (and Parenting) model
- Responsibility of Members and Leaders
- Romans 1 – The Prodigal
- Where do Leaders come from?
- Would God take away or give more
Hand Out Tools
- Finishing well!
- Understanding the Gospel
- What God wanted for us
- Where Leaders come from
- Your “Book of Life” will be read