Responsive Reading
- According to own ability
- All are Disciples, some are Leaders
- Bucket Sermons – Visuals
- Closing the back door of the Church
- Dealing with Conflict
- Four Chairs (visual)
- God offered – Man refused (visual)
- Illustrating being discipled – infancy to maturity
- Is what you believe – true? (visual)
- Learning to Share your Faith (visual)
- Levels of Authority (visual)
- Measuring Members Spiritual Growth (questionnaire)
- Romans 1 – Fading Faith (visual 2)
- Romans 1 (visual 1)
- Shepherding and tracking Members (visual)
- Which Discipleship model are you using? (visual)
- Why people come – stay – leave the Church (visual)
- A study of suicide in the Bible
- Abiding in Christ (study)
- Comparing Acts 2 and Membership Covenant (study)
- Elder Qualifications (study)
- Elders – wrong way to choose (elders)
- Helps to having a good fight (marriage)
- Member Entrance / Exit Interview
- Restoring and Releasing Prodigals
- Sharing Faith and Testimony (lesson)
- Test of Strengths and Needs
- Two Funerals – Ending Well (visual) (project)
- Welcome to the Lord’s Way of Life – New Christians (booklet)
- Dealing with Personal Conflicts (notes)
- Elders – Study of Ezekiel (notes)
- Establishing Godly priorities (notes)
- Finishing Well (notes)
- Fruit or Firewood (notes)
- Heart Surgery (visual)
- Implementing All-Church Review (assessment)
- Prospects and how to reach them (project)
- Restoring Broken Relationships (counseling)
- Shepherding 1 or 10,000 (visual)
- Tracking Spiritual Progress, by age (visual)
- Tracking your Spiritual Growth, by years (visual)
- A Leadership Retreat (overview)
- Building a Home – to come home to
- Connecting the unconnected
- Dealing with Conflict and Crisis
- Doctrine and Issues that Unite Us
- Elder/Member Membership Covenant (illustration)
- Forgiving Others
- God’s Word on Divorce
- Knowing you are saved
- Leaders are home grown
- Leading People to Jesus
- Paul’s Church (and Parenting) model
- Responsibility of Members and Leaders
- Romans 1 – The Prodigal
- Where do Leaders come from?
- Would God take away or give more