It is the Saturday before Resurrection Sunday.

I know you will be busy with preparations to honor our risen Lord and just know I’ll be praying for you tomorrow.

This week as I’ve talked to many of you, or have received communications from others, I realize that the Lord’s people and His Church are under attack.

  • All are being effected by the virus.
  • Some of you are personally defeated, like Peter before the empty tomb.
  • Some of you have failed in your integrity and are looking for a way out like Judas.
  • Some of you are feeling helpless like Mary watching your family attacked and persecuted.
  • Some of you are experiencing rejection by friends or by the Church.
  • Some of you are preparing to close out your ministry, and some to close their church.
  • Some of you have had the best week of your ministry life and are so excited to see what the Lord will do through you tomorrow.

It has been a week of mixed emotions for me, high times of talking to my family, some times of feeling like my life counted for something and some times of feeling rejected and that my efforts did not accomplish what I’d hoped.

My thought for you today was written 55 years ago before Bobbi and I married, before children, before true and tested friends I was preparing to preach for the first time ever on Easter Sunday and the Lord helped me to get my mind off of all the lifelessness of my past and remember what the Lord had done for me. 

I hope my feeble efforts encourage you.


A crown of thorns, a shameful cross,
A cry that all was done.
And on that day sin stood alone,
Its battle fought and won.

Upon that cross with broken heart,
The bleeding Savior hung;
His life was gone and Satan smiled
As bells of Hell were rung.

They took Him down a lifeless form
As dead as man can be,
The scars of hate from head to foot
Were there for all to see.

His friends came meekly one by one,
From shadowy hiding places;
The shame they felt within their hearts
Shown clearly on their faces.

They came and gently carried Him
And laid Him in a grave;
While in their hearts they trembled
As others there still raved.

But wait!
He said He'd rise again,
That men might live through Him;
He said He'd conquer over death,
And victory He would win.

A day passed by and Satan smiled
His victory seemed so sweet.
The second passed and Satan laughed
His power could not be beat.

But wait!
The third day's dawning
I hear a rumbling sound,
Our Christ rose up, He conquered all
And Satan now is bound.

But death could hold our Savior Christ
No sin could make Him fall;
And on that morning shining bright
He gave new life to all.

He calls to men "Come unto me,
And find real life anew,
My love will take away your sin
But now it's up to you".

A crown of thorns, a shameful cross
A cry that all was through,
The power of God, the power of Love,
And Now Christ lives through you!

Bill Putman 3/23/64.

I’m praying for you.